CREAI Workshop | AI & Creativity: Applying AI tools in the creative process
07 Jun 2023 14:00 - 17:00
AI is not replacing our creativity, but it can definitely support us in our creative process in various ways!
How exactly? We’ve experienced some compelling ChatGPT examples already in our previous workshop, that took place on April 12th. Find a brief summary here.
In the upcoming mini-conference on June 7th, we will bring together international AI experts and creativity experts: both from academia as well from practice. Together we can experience the benefits of AI and find opportunities to embed these in the creative process. We encourage anyone interested in delving into the intersection of AI and creativity to join! This is an exciting chance to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange practical tips for using AI to spark creativity and innovation
The agenda:
– 14:00 CEST | Welcome
– Recap of April 12th, including a learnings and insights on chatGPT
– Intro to a visualization-based AI tool: a mini-design-experience
– Demos of visualization-based AI tools and applications of real-life cases
– Breakout rooms: experimenting with the tool of your choice, shown in the demo’s (read more about the topics below)
– Reflections, Q&A
– 17:00 CEST | Closure
About the break-out rooms:
Experts, both academic and industry leaders, will share their knowledge and experience in leveraging AI tools to enhance the creative process in an interactive way. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small groups to experiment with these tools.
The break-out sessions will include the following topics:
– How to use image-generation tool MidJourney in Future Vision workshops (by FutureVision, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
– How to use AI-tools embedded in in creative facilitation and workshops (by Stormz, France)
– A use case on AI in mobility in smart cities (By Digital City Science, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany)
We aim to foster a collaborative and open-minded environment, where participants can share knowledge and learn from each other’s experiences.
Date: June 7th
Time: 2pm – 5pm CEST
Place: online: Zoom & Miro, we will send you an invite after registration.
Register: If you are interested in attending, please sign up at this link:
Your hosts and facilitators:
Katrina Heijne, Lecturer on deliberate use of creativity, Connected Creativity Lab
Ingeberte Uitslag & Nel Mostert: facilitators at the Facilitation Academy
Derek Lomas, Assistant professor on Positive AI at TUDelft