Getting connected
The Systemic Design Lab aims to be a bridge between students relevant partners. On this page, you will find the ways in which we achieve that connection. To get in touch, please email us at
For students
Systemic Design Salon
We organize monthly interactive meetings for students graduating from the faculty of IDE, who are increasingly interested to tackle complex societal challenges using systemic design methods. Participants share their insights and experiences and discuss academic papers and other resources about systemic design theory and practice. Students also use these meetings to receive feedback from peers on their work.
We invite all students who are interested to learn more about these topics for their graduation projects to join the Salon! Please send Mieke an email if you would like to join our student community.
"Students who are graduating from the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering are increasingly interested to tackle complex societal challenges using systemic design methods in their graduation projects"
Graduation opportunities
Currently, there are no graduation topics at hand, but students are always welcome to join the Systemic Design Salon, or propose a thesis topic to one of the lab directors.
In addition to MSc and PhD theses, we also organise masterclasses within the field of Systemic Design, such as the masterclass ‘Design for Complexity’. These masterclasses are open to everyone, not only IDE students or alumni. More information on these events is shared on our News & Updates page.
Currently, we are working together with the public prosecution service of the Netherlands in the OM Project. One of the resulting MSc theses was that of Michelle Geerlings on a certified approach to human-centered AI adoption.
We are also working together with the Federatie Creatieve Industrie , which is a platform that aims to find solutions for the bigger challenges of our time, through innovation and creative collaboration.
A third partner is BIAZA, with whom we work on the topic of wildlife conservation.
A past collaborator was Nibud, the Dutch National Institute for Family Finance Information, for which Pepijn van Houdt developed a concept that inspires and unburdens young people to save money.