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Individual projects

MSc. Graduation project

Students from each IDE master’s program have the opportunity to initiate their graduation project with the lab. If you are interested, please email

To find inspiration for potential topics, explore our Lab’s blog posts, where you can discover insights and lessons from previous students. Additionally, browse through graduation reports of alumni who have completed their graduation with the Lab, or have a loot at the themes below to spark your ideas!


Value-driven innovation
Complex environments like cities are full of different interests, ambitions and visions of different stakeholders. How can identifying these values enable sustainable social innovation?

Collaborative design
Social designers work in a range of roles within industry, business, communities, education, and public sector. Including the voices of the people intended to use the design outcome, can lead to more impactful design as well as more democratic design practices. How do you involve the relevant stakeholders of the particular social system?

Scaling social impact
Many design proposals striving for mission-driven innovation introduce new perspectives in specific contexts but encounter challenges during implementation or when demonstrating impact. Even design solutions that prove successful in one urban environment face obstacles in replicating them in other cities or institutionalising them to scale their impact. How can strategic design facilitate and up-scale social innovations towards transformational change?

MSc. Courses and electives

Track Call for Papers of ID4216 Context & Conceptualisation

The lab edits one of the different tracks of the Call for Papers of C&C, that poses research topics related to design-enabled innovation in the urban context and practices as participation.

Elective ID5127 Design and the City

In this course we discuss design-enabled innovation in the urban context and explore the role of design capabilities in enabling innovation in cities. The course is running in close collaboration with the European H2020 project DESIGNSCAPES.

One of the deliverables of the course: interactive value maps.


Elective ID5126 Strategic Design for Social Innovation

In this course, students will learn how (strategic) design can be applied to enable social innovation. Students discuss different emerging types of social innovators, and argue how strategic design can trigger and facilitate a broader change and transformation process

One of the deliverables of the course: visual scaling strategies.


Elective ID5070 Deep Dive

The Deep Dive elective is ideal for students who wish to develop in-depth understanding of a topic, and for those preparing to start a graduation project on a relevant topic.

ID5501-16 Research Elective

Students participate, on an individual basis, in one of the ongoing research projects in the Faculty IDE.

Honours Programme


Lab Director
Ingrid Mulder