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Over the past 6 months, graduation student Yilin Quan has conducted research in collaboration with Rabobank and PostNL, exploring the question: “How can innovation coaches/managers empower creative confidence in the employees they coach?” The primary objective of this event is to present Yilin’s thesis results, communicate key insights, and facilitate knowledge sharing among Rabobank and PostNL (also with other potential interested organisations). We encourage individuals and groups with interests in creativity and organisational innovation/change to join us, not only to gain valuable insights, but also foster meaningful connections with like-minded innovators and researchers!

The agenda:

  • 15:30 Welcome
  • Presentation given by Yilin, Q&A
  • 16:10 Interactive workshop (more information will follow)
  • Reflections, Q&A
  • 17:00 Closure
  • Borrel


Date: June 28th

Time: 15:30-17:00 CEST

Place: Square, TU Delft Pulse (When entering at the main entrance, pass the service desk and take the stairs on the right. Square is on the second floor)



Your host:
Yilin Quan, MSc Strategic Product Design student at TU Delft
Want to know more? Get in touch with Yilin:


Graduation supervisors:
Milene Gonçalves:
Ufuk Gür:

Graduating Student
Yilin Quan
Lab Director
Milene Guerreiro Gonçalves
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ufuk Gür