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Food is essential for everyone, and today’s food innovators need to become more aware of the different possible perspectives on food. The Food Design Cards help food innovators to broaden the design space, to see the bigger picture, to include more aspects, and stimulate idea generation. The card set was developed with the help of TU Delft design students and design experts, in order to inspire, enrich and facilitate food design processes. It can improve the quality of the design process (1) as inspiration at the beginning of the process, (2) to enhance brainstorming for ideas for solution directions, or (3) to check if all important design aspects are covered towards the end of the process. The Food Design Cards can provide an essential piece of support for addressing different stakeholder needs and for guiding innovations in the food industry of the future.

The Food Design Cards cover seven main categories:

  • agriculture
  • industrial processing
  • distribution & marketing
  • kitchen management
  • eater characteristics
  • consumption situation
  • policy & legislation

Each category consists of five topic cards and one overview card. The front of each topic card contains the category name, a title, an icon and an inspiring question. On the backside of each card 6 to 8 examples are given. The front sides are mainly intended for idea generation and the back sides for refining and critically evaluating ideas. The card set also contains instructions for six games that facilitate the start of the food design process.

This card set was created by Youngsil Lee, Carola Breuer, and Rick Schifferstein of the TU Delft Food & Eating Design Lab. The icons used on the Food Design Cards were inspired by the Noun Project website  ( You are free to use the card set for your research and for new food product development projects, as long as you do not modify the original cards or commercialise its use.

To download a free copy of the card set and to provide feedback about your experience you can email us. 



Youngsil Lee

Youngsil Lee