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Today, Maaike was inaugurated as one of the eight “Medical Delta professors” at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and/or Erasmus MC. With an appointment of two or more of these five academic institutions, they combine technology and healthcare in their professorships. 

Medical Delta is a partnership between TU Delft, Erasmus MC, Erasmus University, LUMC and Leiden University and four universities of applied sciences in Zuid-Holland and aims to realize technological solutions for sustainable healthcare.

To keep healthcare future-proof, a different approach is needed. Technological innovations can contribute to this, but this requires cross-disciplinary cooperation and a proper embedding of innovations in (healthcare) practice. The eight new Medical Delta professors actively seek this cooperation for their research, for example in the field of better diagnostics for cancer, fundamental research into combating viral infections or a more targeted treatment of osteoarthritis. Their inauguration is a recognition of their merits and also an encouragement to act as ambassadors for further cooperation in the field of health & technology.

Lab Director
Maaike Kleinsmann

Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann