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On 11 September MuseumFutures’ lab director presented the lab during MuseumTV’s first knowledge meeting led by Lennart Booij in the Mauritshuis. After a discussion between Jan Rudolph de Lorm (Singer Laren), Patty Wageman (Museum de Buitenplaats) and Martijn van Schieveen (De Nieuwe Kerk and Hermitage Amsterdam). Then Ed Peelen informed the audience of museum professionals about content marketing and Arnold Vermeeren presented the work of the lab in short presentations, followed by a brief panel discussion. The afternoon was closed by a duo interview with Marnix Laurs (Director Content KPN) en Mark Versteegen (Director Sponsoring KPN) and drinks in the Mauritshuis Brasserie.


It was an inspiring meeting, with interesting new graduation projects emerging at the horizon.


Lab co-director Transformative Experiences
Arnold Vermeeren