NordiCHI 2018
03 Oct 2018
On October the 3rd, Maria Luce Lupetti was invited to give a talk about her research project at the 10th NordiCHI in Oslo, Norway.

The smart city infrastructure will soon start to include smart agents, i.e., agentic things, which co-exist and co-perform with human citizens. This near-future scenario explores the flexible types of collaborations and relationships between the human and nonhuman citizens. Drawing on current technology forecasts and AI/robotics literature, we created five fictional concepts for reflecting on themes we deem important for such collaborations: responsibility, delegation, relationship, priority, and adaptation. The promises, challenges and threats of these themes are discussed in this paper, together with the new questions that were opened up through the use of design fiction as a method.Click here for the link to ACM digital library or website.