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As part of the work she is doing in Healthy Start, Milene was invited to participate in the series “ReSearching Diversity”, where she talked about her perspective of bringing creative practices to youth participation.

What is ‘ReSearching Diversity’?

Join a group of six women in social sciences in their aim to increase visibility of inspiring social scientists and of cutting-edge research on ethnic, cultural, and migration-related diversity. Each episode, two hosts invite one outstanding scientist to discuss their PAST (personal path into academia), the PRESENT (research article or book chapter that has recently inspired them), and the FUTURE (recent developments and paradigm shifts in academia and social sciences).

In this episode, we listen to a conversation between Lysanne te Brinke (assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Milene Gonçalves. Both are leading members of the ambition “Youth participation” in Healthy Start, a consortium that aims to better understand and support the healthy development of all youths in the Netherlands.

Want to know more? See

Listen to the episode here!

Lab Director
Milene Guerreiro Gonçalves