Suspense as a driver for university-industry collaboration
08 Jun 2020 - 11 Jun 2020
In exactly one week, I will be presenting at the 2020 University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) Online University-Industry Interaction Conference. I’m looking forward to sharing the interesting journey of discovering and designing for the underlying drivers of industry partners to engage in X!Delft‘s innovation ecosystem around TU Delft university. My entry, ‘suspense as a driver for university-industry collaboration’, which I wrote in collaboration with my graduation supervisors Frido Smulders and Zwanet Van Lubek, is especially relevant now that COVID-19 has increased uncertainty and anticipation about possible future scenarios. It explores a framework to translate this in meaningful and actionable innovationpartnerships.
Presentation: June 9, 14:15-15:30
I hope to see you at #UIINConf on June 8-11, 2020.
For more info & registration: