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From 7 to 9 February 2024 we will organise the conference Vision and Depiction in Delft (the Netherlands). It can be seen as the successor of two previous conferences called The Skin of Things, which focussed on the perception and depiction of material properties. During these conferences we enjoyed contributions of vision and computer scientist, art historians, philosophers and contemporary artists.

While we maintain interested in material depiction, this new conference aims to broaden the scope to include other formal elements of images, such as texture, colour, light, and space. We are also interested in exploring the interaction between the physical aspects of pictures (the medium) and perception. Furthermore, we are curious about the integration of semiotics or iconography within the context of vision and depiction. As with the Skin of Things conferences, we hope to attract a diverse mixture of scientists, scholars, artists and designers.

With 8 keynotes, 30 orals and 25 posters, it promises to be an awesome conference! For more info about the envisioned scope, please visit our website at

Maarten  Wijntjes