Cutting Edge Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MSc. Elective course
Students are introduced to cutting edge subjects on design (thinking), innovation and entrepreneurship seen through lenses relevant for industrial designers. The main focus is on introducing a coherent vocabulary as well as some fresh theoretical insights based on research with companies. The topics listed on the right are briefly addressed.
The course consists of different activities combined with lectures. Both teamwork and individual activities are integrated in different assignments: 360° self-assessment, defining and illustrating terms and notions in a glossary, presenting and discussing these terms / notions during fishbowl sessions and sharing perspective on the meaning of “Entrepreneurial Behavior” through Technological Innovation Journeys (Tijo’s).
- Creative problem solving, wicked problem solving and rational problem solving.
- Teams, teamwork and personality treats.
- Process models of company based innovation processes.
- The startup process.
- Similarities and differences between new venture entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship.
- Design, scientific and applied research.
- Insights, learnings and tools from the other IDE-master programs will be exchanged.
- Designing your pitch in an audience centered way.
- Design, innovation and entrepreneurship are social activities. We cover some of the basics that any industrial designer should know.
The goal of a Tijo is to create a coherent narrative that describes and explains the technological innovation journey. Two cases were assigned to groups. The audience they were asked to focus on were their peers; MSc-students from other
(technical) faculties. They need to learn about the organizational side of technological innovation. Below are four examples of the Tijo’s which were produced at the end of the block course Cutting Edge Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The first case was the 787 Dreamliner case by Boeing.
The second case was the development journey of the new fibre-metal-laminate, Arall/Glare.