A service design vision for air-rail journeys
Aug 2020 - ongoing
Stimulating travellers to make a more sustainable choice for their journey.
Concerns regarding the environmental impact of the aviation sector increase. Thereby, short distance flights within Europe are criticized. These itinerates could be replaced by other, more sustainable, modes of transport such as international trains. Since lots of flights within Europe are multi-leg, consisting of a short and long distance flight, new journeys could arise: international trains combined with planes, or air-rail journeys.
This project explores what is needed to make a shift towards more international train travel within Europe. More specifically, to stimulate the choice for a sustainable alternative for the multi-leg flight, namely the air-rail journey. This challenge is addressed from a service design perspective. The project is in collaboration with the key stakeholders: KLM, NS International, Schiphol airport and Ministry of Infrastructure. Above all, within this project the perspective of the user is leading and therefore the project explores how the future air-rail journey could truly address the needs and wishes of the international air-rail traveller.
Name: Rosa Hendrikx
Master: Design for Interaction
Supervisory Team: Dr.ir. Jasper van Kuijk, Dr. ir. Suzanne Hiemstra-van Mastrigt
Partners: KLM, NS International, Schiphol airport and Ministry of Infrastructure
Graduation project