2020 - Bachelor end project
In this project the Future Libraries Lab challenges the Bachelor students to imagine how (public) libraries of the future could accommodate the knowledge and education needs of a diverse and everchanging audience.
The students are working on individual assignment on how design can play a role in the transition towards the future library with regard to the following three topics:
1.Connecting digital collections to the physical environment
2. Bringing library functions to the citizens in public space
3. The library as a makerspace in the cultural infrastructure
Within 2 weeks 12 public libraries have submitted their interest to participate as a respons to the call for interest. In the first 3 virtual meetings, organised by TUD, the 12 public libraries, 14 students and their design lecturers and research experts will have the opportunity to exchange their ideas and challenges. The final presentation of the design proposal will be organised on Friday, June 26.