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A clear trend in the last years is digitization. Also, in the field of mobility and transportation this trend is getting more visible. With digital services such as Mobility as a Service(MaaS) and Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) a digital platform is needed to book or reserve a ride. In this research project the aim is to learn more about factors that influence the user experience and adoption of DRT services and how current DRT services in the Netherlands are offered to their users. The findings of this research will serve as input for a design graduation project which will focus on designing an inclusive DRT service.


During the research several research methods are combined to learn more about the DRT landscape in the Netherlands. A literature study to learn more about existing theories and literature, a desk research to get familiar with the different offerings and what their characteristics are and last, multiple field studies to get insights from users in the real time context. During the deskresearch 37 (Dutch) DRT services are evaluated, based on this evaluation seven dutch DRT services were selected from different providers and active in different parts of the Netherlands to execute interviews & observations with users.

Name: Max Sampimon
Master: Design for Interaction
Supervisory Team: Dr. ir. Suzanne Hiemstra-van Mastrigt, Ir. Claudia Spaargaren
Partners: Translink, DOVA, CROW, 9292, GVB, RET, Rover

Research Elective