Design For Workflow Intelligence In Cardiology
Apr 2019 - ongoing
Prompt User Liaison Service Experience system
Healthcare providers are under pressure to deliver greater value and even faster than ever before. They have to deliver better care at lower cost while serving more patients. One important step is the development of integrated solutions that streamline workflow and make procedures easier. PULSE is designed to hover above existing systems in hospitals that integrates information a professional needs. It is believed that PULSE can help in accomplishing effective planning, and ultimately leads to more time in better patient care. PULSE is not merely a digital product. It is a hybrid of product and service that brings workload efficiency and flexibility to the medical professionals.
More info about the project can be found here
Name: Hao Liu
Partners: Philips
Mentors: Ruud van Heur, Asli Boru
Master: Strategic Product Design
CardioLab Graduate