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Starting with company mission and forming a strategy to complete the mission, is a good way to stay relevant as an organisation. But what to do after the strategy is formed? How should it be communicated to the employees? And how can they feel involved and responsible for carrying out the strategy?

The implementation of a strategy appears to be challenging, partly due to challenges with communication of the strategy. A guru on business management, Gary Hamel, has found in his research that 70% of employees are not engaged with their employer. A lot of potential of employees is lost when their work conditions are less inspiring, thus increasing engagement is crucial for organisational growth. To increase engagement amongst employees, there will be researched what role the communication of a strategy plays and how this could be improved.

Aim of the project

During my graduation project for Strategiemakers I will design a method that increases the effectiveness of the communication of a strategy. The communication method will describe how and with what purpose employees should be addressed to increase their identification with the strategy. When employees identify with the strategy, the step to implementation is smaller.


Strategiemakers help clients on strategy, innovation and organisation. They distinguish themselves from their competitors by their involvement with their clients and using their method: ‘Growth by Design’. Where other consultancies usually focus only on forming the new strategy, Strategiemakers also helps their clients with the implementation of the formed strategy. By going through the steps: showing, doing together and letting them do it themselves, Strategiemakers ensures the clients’ employees learn the necessary skills to build new strategy themselves during the next strategy round.

The method generated by my graduation project will give Strategiemakers insights that improve their ability to advise on strategy communication. Contributing to a more complete strategy implementation.