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As part of the Software Project course, which is part of the 2nd year BSc Computer Science and
Engineering curriculum, 5 students of Delft University of Technology (Baptiste André, Alp
Çapanoğlu, Tsvetomir Hristov, Lazar Nenovski and Aksel Hakim Zakuto) worked on an
assignment from the Delpher team at the National Library of The Netherlands.
As one possible way to make the Delpher historical newspaper portal more accessible to a
broader audience, the Delpher team wanted to research possibilities of a web plug-in, which
could connect today’s news with news articles from the past.
The students concretized this concept by implementing the Delflink demo: a web plug-in that
can analyze the text content on a web page, extracts keywords, and uses these to look up and
suggest articles with similar keywords in the Delpher corpus. While articles in Delpher will be in
Dutch, with the student group having an international background, they took care to make their
keyword extraction methods language-agnostic, such that in the future, possible links between
international web articles and Delpher can be investigated.


A demo video of the Delflink is shown in the following video: