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During his presentation Jelmer showed and explained his concept: “Mobihubs as social connector for the neighbourhood“. He used the Vision In Product (VIP) method to come to a future vision. During his project, he drew inspiration from a number of analogies including quantum superpositioning and parent-child relationships.(Quantum superpositioning roughly describes the situation where quantum parts can be in two states at the same time). 


His concept is called the Mobipunt+. It has the normal characteristics of a mobihub, a physical place where different mobility services and public transportation are offered. Additionally, it is equipped with a digital platform and capsules. These capsules are small “lockers” in which someone can leave, for instance, a package which needs to be delivered. Through the digital platform neighbours can ask each other to run these little errands. The Mobipunt+ knows general mobility patterns of the inhabitants in order to facilitate this. This way social cohesion is enhanced and the amount of travel movements can be reduced.

Interested to read more about this project? You can download the thesis here.