Happy European Year of Rail!
28 Jan 2021 - 29 Jan 2021
2021 is the European Year of Rail and we are kicking it off with two graduation ceremonies about European railway passenger services!
On Thursday January 28th at 1.30 PM, Laura van Overhagen will be presenting her graduation project “A design vision towards seamless European train journeys”. Laura’s project shows how we can make the train the default option to travel within Europe. With completing her graduation project, Laura will graduate from the Master Strategic Product Design (SPD).
On Friday January 29th at 10.30 AM, Rosa Hendrikx will be presenting her graduation project “A service design vision for air-rail journeys”. In Rosa’s vision, travellers are stimulated to make a more sustainable choice by integrating international trains and flights. With completing her graduation project, Rosa will graduate from the Master Design for Interaction (DfI).
If you would like to attend (one of) these events, please contact Suzanne Hiemstra (s.hiemstra-vanmastrigt@tudelft.nl) to obtain the details and link to the online meeting.